?> 2021 - Project Brutality Community Assets

Yearly Archive November 21, 2021

11/21/21 Update

Lots of smaller changes to previously implemented things, alongside the MG42 being added.

First we have the changelog from 11/7/21.

- fixed a change to horizontal sway affecting mouse sensitivity
- cleaned up the Rev Missile anims (a temporary thing but thank you neonvortex, i forgot your discord name lol sry)
- Akimbo ammo counter on HUD now, with proper graphics and stuff (also thank you neonvortex)

Then the 11/9/21 log.

- MG42 added for the most part, couple issues to iron out
- demon runes removed
- some unused death related things and a few unused left over boss assets

And now todays log, 11/21/21.

- new MG42 firing sound
- MG42 controlled burst firerate increased
- fixes to Cyberdemon randomly becoming solid/non solid during its death anim
- fixes headshot deaths not happening on the base cyberdemon
- more changes to the YSway system, an option in the menu now exists to control how it works and a CVar for it
0 - sway happens when looking up and down, but the direction of the sway is always down
1 - sway happens only when looking up
- clipping of the bottom of sprites should no longer happen as well

There should be some more tweaks coming soon as well. Stay tuned!

10/27/21 Update

Hey everyone! As you’ve probably seen, the new MP40 is still in the works, with the LMG and HDMR coming soon, but not yet. But we have several changes to share today.
The changelog will be split in two today, the first being changes on September 26th, the second being todays changes, October 27th.

September 26th

- restored any changes accidentally removed by the optimization branch
- small fixes to the new laser for the freeze ray
- a Cyberdemon death animation, to make killing it a bit more dramatic and cool
- weapons now always sprite bob
- weapon sprites tilt slightly when strafing
- camera roll now happens all the time

October 27th

- subtle vertical sway added to weapons, horizontal sway turned down slightly
- fixed ASG drum not having a respect when picked up after the ASG has been respected normally
- added mugshot to HUD, slightly off center, might be even more so for some resolutions, but it works for now
- more UNF to revolver
- chamber now correctly rotates when fan firing
- revolver flash changes
- some sound changes
- deagle firing overhaul

9/22/2021 Update

Hey all! Its been a while because the team has been working on the new LMG and HDMR and what not, plus the fallout from the server. Here is the changelog of the recent update!

-New sprites for the empty SGL drum
-New method for the Freeze ray laser, still needs some tweaking. It shouldn't look like a bunch of long projectiles now
-Carbine casing spawning redone with a new function specifically for casing spawning
-New function for doing weapon respects, basically just back end stuff
-Separated the helmet animation from the DMR, should fix some little issues with some things

A PR is up for more optimization and the full on removal of anything tank related.  It has some small conflicts, expect it to be merged soon.

6/13/21 Update

- replaced deprecated flag on keys
- Credits update
- DMR sprite fixes
- some other backpack and key changes
- deleted obsolete dark imp sprites
- new railgun flashes and sparks
- rocket speed nerfed back
- QSG pickup sprite
- pistol damage buffed
- pistol mags now have bounce sound
- removed old sounds
- updated caustic dtech flashes
- dtech idle anim redone
- shotgun nerfed, 8 >6 pellets
- tried to nerf Dragon's Breath, but its gonna need more testing. Now fires 8 pellets instead of 10 or 9.
- Decreased Dragon's Breath tracer damage from 7 to 2.
- Decreased A_Explode damages from 21 to 10, and 5 to 3.
- Brought back the self damage from the burning dragon's breath pieces from earlier PB versions.
- shotgun wad adjustments
- shotgunguy sprite fix
- railgun projectile slight changes
- changes to impaled marines

5/20/21 Update

- Good chunk of weapon actor renaming done, lists of actors that can be summoned with the summon command will have to be updated, in general its prefixed by PB_ now
- placeholder SSG unload
- Excavator sound fix
- Akimbo reload code cleanup
- M1 Plasma kick animation change
- Buffed Rockets damage and speed
- Pulse cannon projectiles improved
- Restored original Black Hole projectile sprites, but optimized them greatly
- kick and quick melee states are now one single state
- fixed slot number on rev launchers
- Unmaker selects faster, and should be more friendly with Gearbox
- Fixed some terrain stuff
- fixed Pinkies spawning infinite arm gibs
- fixed right SMG recoil when akimbo (had a bug where it recoiled straight up)
- increased Deagle recoil, and matched its aimed firerate to the hip fire rate
- updated carbine wheel graphics
- fixed DMR left gun reload
- left SMG now reloads properly, currently placeholder
- new SMG hipfire sprites
- Pyro Sergeant IS GONE :crab:
- deagle quick melee animation
- new SGL flashes (see clip above)
- new ASG flashes (see clip above)
- Captured marine rotations
- Nashgore gib will no longer float in air for now, not a complete fix
- QSG recoil
- Fixed marine/blur CVar
- heavy backpack now gives 6 rev missiles

Big News for the mod!

Thanks to the help of Final Crash, Project Brutality’s file size is now greatly reduced to 341 MB,

with major optimizations to files in the mod itself!

All of this is in the GitHub right now!